
5x7 inch iPhone prototype

Apple said that the big screen phone is simply too big, you believe me?

According to the latest news reports in the foreign media, a former Apple employees today announced a group claiming to be the "iPhone prototype photos, we can see from the fact that one can not imagine: when the size of the iPhone, but 5 x 7 inches (5 inches wide, 7 inches high). Surprised you? Apple has been the extension of the tradition of the 3.5-inch screen to the iPhone 5 before breaking down, but in fact they long to build a large-screen smart phones (and even can be said that the giant screen) plan.

With Apple Insider step-by-step mining by the media, we are already aware of one fact: iPhone developers since 2005, and these old photos is from Apple to create the iPhone in 2005. But, in fact, Steve Jobs has long been said in an interview with All Things D access Apple Tablet PC program earlier in the smart phone. In other words, we have seen a few pictures, originally a service for the iPad, then later as an iPhone prototype.

View from the size of the picture, then the iPhone is indeed greater than all smart phones (other than a tablet could phone), equipped with USB, Ethernet and a variety of other port out of tune with the mobile devices appeared on the market now . Saying Had Apple introduced such a big iPhone, grasping hands call is kind of what it feels like?

The Honda Senior iOS Architect by brain wave control iPhone

The following video from the U.S. R & D Center of Honda Motor Company (Honda) Duane Cash, he says it has to find the way of a control by using brainwave reading device iOS devices. Foreign media 9To5Mac said This is not the first team shows brain waves control video iOS devices actually after many of these videos are fake, but taking into account the Duane Cash Honda Motor Company (Honda) U.S. R & D center Senior iOS architect's identity, which is likely to be one of his research projects, so credibility is high.

"Hello, everybody, I Duane Cash I am an iOS developer currently developing a 'brain controlled' virtual assistant for the iPhone. (Above video) is some of my early test one by using the brain waves read take some custom device control iPhone's Siri functions. "

9To5Mac said to have contacted Duane, he confirmed that this project is not Honda assigned completely out of his personal interest. Video, Duane Siri's help, through brain waves control the iPhone open the map to open / close the menu operation.